6 Reasons to Invest in Squamish Real Estate

Squamish, BC is a gorgeous location, surrounded by sea, sky, and mountains. It’s no surprise that city dwellers have migrated to the town in recent years, looking for a respite from the urban bustle. Today, Squamish has become one of the fastest-growing communities in BC, and with it, comes massive opportunities for new infrastructure and development.

Here are six reasons why you should grab the chance to invest in this prime location:

Squamish’s booming population

A decade ago, Squamish was home to less than 15,000 people. Today, its population is over 20,000, with the district’s Official Community Plan estimating growth will double in the next 20 years. Around 24% of the population is youth and young adults, aged 15-34 years old. Young families have come to Squamish in droves, seeing it as a more affordable alternative to other Metro Vancouver areas. 

A close-knit community that’s close to nature

Former Mayor Patricia Heintzman said that the Squamish community sees itself as a rural town connected to the natural areas that surround it. It’s a perfect location for nature lovers, with its unique structures and spaces ripe for various outdoor activities. Those raring for an adventure have a wide range of options – hiking, biking, climbing, rafting, fishing, and more! Check out their annual Adventure Guide for more details. 

Garibaldi at Squamish to reach snowy new heights

Garibaldi at Squamish aims to be a massive yet sustainable ski resort located at the Brohm Ridge slopes. It plans to include 130 ski and snowboard trails, 21 lifts, and a network of multi-use trails. The resort hopes to provide jobs for residents, with investors estimating to pay over $850 million dollars in wages to local workers, hoping, in turn, this will benefit the economy and government. The project is still ongoing, with the developers slowly but surely improving its Master Plan to make sure that they make Garibaldi the best that it can be.

Oceanfront Park a potential Squamish gem

From oceanfront lands that were sold by the district to Newport Beach Developments in 2016, this project plans to include a wind sports beach, a sailing centre, community open space, a public art contribution of $150,000, and more. Newport has agreed to construct the park and hand it over to the District of Squamish to become public property. When completed, this park is sure to attract many beachgoers, tourists, and locals alike. 

Harbour Air looking to include Squamish as a destination

That's right - the company that made headlines globally for being the first to fly an all-electric commercial aircraft may soon be adding Squamish to their list of water-runways. With the growth of the community and its popularity among travellers cited as easy reasons behind this plan, Harbour Air would connect Squamish to its growing list of destinations. Their shuttle bus from Vancouver airport to the Sea-Dock terminal will support a faster alternative for those arriving to see why Squamish is one of the must visit places in Canada. 

Squamish real estate has a bright future ahead

The housing industry in Squamish has been quite resilient in the past few years, with its sales going up in 2019 despite the downward regional trend. Population growth, new developments and the overall welcoming atmosphere in the district have remained points of interest for potential residents, making it a fairly attractive location for new businesses. By August 2020, Squamish real estate has only gotten hotter. The number of listings has risen by over 40% in the past six weeks, which can only mean more sales. 

Purchasing real estate made easy

If you'd like to know more, contact us today to get your property search underway. There are so many more reasons to invest in Squamish and our experts are best placed to support you.